This months RentHQ enhancements

Posted on May 2, 2024
This month, RentHQ has undergone further enhancements driven by customer feedback and suggestions. One notable addition is the recording of the login used to create a note, along with displaying the name of the note creator on the note screen. This feature is useful in scenarios involving multiple contributors, especially when referencing actions like a tenant phone call. With this enhancement, identifying the initiator of a note helps to identify who made the phone call. Additionally, a new report, 'Tenant History 2,' has been introduced. While akin to the existing 'Tenant History' report, it has a slightly refined layout for improved user experience. Both the Automatic Transactions and Import Rules screens now feature a convenient text filter at the top, facilitating swift entry retrieval. Furthermore, lists of notes, such as those on the tenant or owner screens, are now sorted to show recent entries at the top of the list.

Comparing Commercial and Residential Property Management Software

Posted on April 15, 2024
When exploring rental properties, two primary categories emerge: commercial and residential. Commercial properties serve businesses, encompassing shops, warehouses, and offices, while residential properties cater to living spaces.

When delving into property management software, it becomes apparent that each property type demands distinct functionalities.

In many aspects, residential and commercial properties share similarities. Both involve tenancy or lease agreements, property maintenance, and financial transactions. However, nuances necessitate tailored software solutions.

- Commercial property rents typically incur GST in New Zealand or Australia, unlike residential properties. RentHQ addresses this by enabling tax exemption for residential rents.

- While commercial tenants often cover outgoings or OPEX (Operating Expenses), residential property expenses are typically borne by the landlord. This could includes council rates or a shared security system or insurance. RentHQ's Extra Charges feature allows for the allocation of such expenses to tenants.

- Commercial properties often distribute expenses among multiple tenants. For instance, in a shopping complex, council rates may be divided based on square meterage. RentHQ facilitates this through customizable Extra Charge Allocations for each tenant, ensuring equitable expense distribution.

Most property management software caters to either commercial or residential properties. However RentHQ allows you to satisfy all requirements by allowing a mixture of both commercial and residential properties in a single software product.

What Is Property Management Software: Streamlining Real Estate Operations

Posted on March 31, 2024
In the ever-evolving world of real estate management, efficiency is key. Property managers and landlords juggle a myriad of tasks, from handling rent payments and maintenance requests to keeping track of leases and tenant communication. In such a dynamic industry, leveraging technology becomes imperative to streamline operations and maximize productivity. Enter property management software.

Understanding Property Management Software?

Property management software (PMS) is a digital solution designed to automate and streamline the day-to-day tasks associated with managing properties. Whether you oversee a single rental property or a large portfolio, this software offers a comprehensive suite of tools to simplify administrative processes, enhance communication, and optimize property performance.

Key Features of Property Management Software:

Tenant Management: PMS allows landlords to efficiently manage tenant information, including lease agreements, rent payment schedules, and communication logs. Tenants can submit maintenance requests and track their status through the software, fostering transparency and accountability.

Lease Tracking and Renewals: Tracking lease terms, renewals, and expirations manually can be cumbersome and prone to errors. Property management software automates this process, sending reminders for upcoming renewals and enabling seamless lease updates.

Maintenance and Work Order Management: Property maintenance is a crucial aspect of real estate management. With PMS, landlords can efficiently manage maintenance requests, assign jobs to contractors, and track work orders to ensure timely resolution and tenant satisfaction.

Communication Tools: Effective communication is essential for fostering positive landlord-tenant relationships. Property management software provides channels for secure messaging, announcements, and document sharing, facilitating clear and efficient communication between all parties involved.

Analytics and Reporting: Understanding property performance is key to making informed decisions. PMS offers robust analytics and reporting features, providing insights into occupancy rates, rental income, expenses, and more to optimize property profitability.

Benefits of Property Management Software:

Time and Cost Savings: By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, property management software frees up valuable time for landlords and property managers, allowing them to focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Enhanced Tenant Experience: Quick response times, transparent communication, and efficient issue resolution contribute to a positive tenant experience, leading to higher retention rates and increased satisfaction.

Improved Accuracy and Compliance: Manual record-keeping is prone to errors and compliance issues. Property management software ensures data accuracy and helps landlords stay compliant with legal regulations, minimizing risks and liabilities.

Scalability: Whether managing a single property or a diverse portfolio, PMS scales to accommodate the needs of landlords and property managers as their businesses grow and evolve.

Centralized Data Management: Instead of juggling multiple spreadsheets and documents, property management software centralizes all relevant information in one secure platform, making it easily accessible and organized.


Property management software changes the way landlords and property managers operate, offering a suite of powerful tools to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and optimize property performance. By leveraging technology, real estate professionals can unlock new levels of efficiency, profitability, and tenant satisfaction in an increasingly competitive market landscape.

Owners can now view some tenants letters, plus other changes

Posted on March 19, 2024
We've implemented an enhancement that allows greater flexibility in managing letters generated for tenants. Now, not only can tenants access their letters, but owners can also view them. By default, owner visibility is disabled for tenant letters. However, we've introduced a new option that lets you toggle owner access on a per-letter basis. You can specify whether owners can view a letter at the time of creation on the Mail Merge screen, or you can modify it later. This feature empowers owners to access crucial letters, such as rent arrears notices, while keeping others private.

In our cashbook interface, we've streamlined the process of manually entering transactions. Previously, after inputting the first transaction, the system would default back to today's date for subsequent entries. However, we recognized the importance of maintaining continuity when entering transactions from a bank statement. Now, the system retains the date of the previous transaction, facilitating smoother data entry. Of course, users retain the flexibility to modify dates as needed.

Additionally, we've made an improvement to the payments tab on the work order screen. Now, the reference column displays for previous transactions associated with the work order, enhancing clarity and organization.

Notification updates in the latest release

Posted on February 25, 2024
Based on customer feedback, the weekly notification email now has the additional reminder of tenants who are going to have a rent increase within the next 7 to 14 days. Because tenants need to be notified well in advance of a rent increase, they often forget by the time it comes around. So this gives you the opportunity to contact them and give them a gentle reminder to avoid them going into arrears.

A small change has also been added to the daily Xero Import notification email. The subject line of this email now lets you know if all the records were successfully processed. If they have, then there is no need to open the email. It is only a small change, but it saves time.

The Trial Balance report, which lists the amount due to be paid to owners at the next disbursement, now also includes owners where the disbursement amount is zero, but they are an open owner. This could mean the owner had a vacant property.

Multiple updates based on your suggestions

Posted on February 10, 2024
Thanks for all the suggestions coming through.

One of the most voted for requests was to be able to generate inspection letters in bulk, instead of going to each inspection and creating them one at a time. People commented that they often do multiple days worth of letters at the same time, so being able to create them in bulk will save time. So now you can create the letters from the mail merge screen using the Generate button. You will then be presented with a list of inspections instead of tenants, and you get to tick the inspections you want to generate a letter for.

While we were on the Mail Merge screen, I also decided to add a filter to the letters list screen. A lot of people have lots of letter templates now, so finding a particular one is made easier if you can type a few characters from the letter name.

You can also now print a tenancy reference from the reference details screen.

Integrate Your Inspections with Google Calendar

Posted on December 13, 2023
Thanks to Jason for suggesting a way to streamline inspection management. His request was to sync inspections with Google Calendar to make scheduling more efficient and prevent any double bookings. With inspections often planned weeks in advance, this integration allows users to easily see their availability for additional meetings (or maybe golf?).

Now, RentHQ users can link their accounts to Google Calendar on an individual basis, ensuring that only their designated inspections populate their calendar.

Here's how to set it up:

1. Navigate to Functions/Setup/Security Logins.
2. Select the user's login and access the Calendar tab.
3. Click on 'Sign in with Google' to connect your RentHQ user account to your Google Calendar.

Connect to RentHQ to Google Calendar

Once linked, if you have multiple calendars, return to the login screen to designate the specific calendar for your inspections.

Choose your Google Calendar

When creating inspections, it's important to select the appropriate 'inspector' to link the inspection correctly. For instance, in the images shown above with two logins, the Google calendar is linked to 'Login 1.' Therefore, ensure that the designated inspector is selected during inspection creation. Inspections without an assigned inspector won't be linked to any Google calendars.

Choose your inspector when creating an inspection

Remember that on the property details screen, you can specify the default 'Property Manager' for that property. Then when creating inspections, it will select that property manager as the default Inspector for that property.

Choose your inspector when creating an inspection

Important notes:
- Previously scheduled inspections before linking to Google Calendar won't display in your calendar; only new or modified inspections will.
- Any changes made to inspection dates and times within RentHQ will sync with your Google Calendar. However, modifications made solely in Google Calendar won't reflect in RentHQ. Therefore, it's recommended to manage inspections exclusively within RentHQ for accurate synchronization.

More Suggestion Updates for December

Posted on December 6, 2023
As per last month, a lot of enhancement suggestions have continues to roll in, and more of them have been completed. This is what was release in version 3.9.0.

- A lot of suggestions were made regarding adding column XYZ to screen ABC. And all these suggestions wanted different columns. If I added every column to every screen that was suggested the screen could become cluttered with columns other people might not want. So instead you can now choose which additional columns you want to add to your screens. This has been done by adding a 3 dot button to the top right of certain screens. Not all screens have these additional columns. By clicking the 3 dot button you can choose which columns to add or remove again. This applies to the computer it was created on, so different people in the same office can choose to show the columns they want to see.
Choose your own custom columns

- A change has been made to the transaction import screen. You can start an import, then move to a different menu and come back to the import again, and it will be the same as when you left it. This means you wont have to start all over again. Thanks to Nicola for the suggestion.

- A new custom message has been created, allowing you to add a new message into the body of all tenant invoices, including extra charge invoices. Go to Functions/Setup/Options and then click on the Messages tab to enter the tenant invoice message. This message could contain payment instructions or bank account details. Thanks to Richard for the suggestion.

- You can now record a transaction in the cashbook screen, selecting a closed property, but only when the closed property has a tenant who is marked as 'Closed - Allow Transaction Entry'. Note that the closed properties will appear at the bottom of the property list. Thanks to Garth for the suggestion.

New Updates from Customer Suggestions

Posted on November 15, 2023
Thanks again for all the suggestions we have received.

The latest update, version 3.8.9 on the login screen, has the following enhancements.

When creating an inspection, you can now choose to either select the property or the tenant. If you select the tenant, the associated property will be automatically selected for you. If you choose to select the property, the list of available tenants will be limited to only those tenants currently occupying the selected property. You will still need to select a tenant, as they are the one responsible for the property. This can save time for those property managers with a lot of properties, who cant remember which tenant occupies the property they want to inspect. Thanks to Michelle for the suggestion.

The length of an extra charge description has been increased from 50 characters to 250 characters. This will provide more room to enter a detailed description of what the tenant is being charged for. Various reports which print these descriptions have been modified to accommodate the larger content. When required, the text will wrap across multiple lines. Thanks to Roger for this suggestion

Multiple Updates for October 2023

Posted on October 27, 2023
A whole host of changes have been made in the latest release of RentHQ based on user feedback.

You can now send a TXT/SMS message to contractors for work orders. This is in addition to the ability to email the job to the contractor. This is great for contractors who are on the go and don't have time to stop and check their emails. Thanks to Nicole for the suggestion.
Send work orders as text messages

You can now add a disbursement reference to the owner details screen. This reference will then get exported when generating a bank import file for banks that support it. The reference is found on the owner details screen, disbursements tab. Thanks to Lee for the suggestion.

A new Australian BAS (Business Activity Statement) report has been created. This is similar to the New Zealand GST Calculation report, but designed with our Australian friends in mind. This report is found on the Reports screen under 'Analysis Reports'. Thanks to Maya for the suggestion.

The attachment list for Tenants, Owners and Work Orders now has an additional 'Online' column. This indicates if the tenant or owner is able to view these files from their online portals. Not available on mobile apps. Thanks to Lee for the suggestion.
Show attachments 'online' status for each file

On the Extra Charge list screen, there is a new column to show the extra charge number. Not available on mobile apps. Thanks to Garth for the suggestion.